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Topics - PapaGeek

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Community Rules (Meepledrone & Friends) / Tile Modifiers
« on: January 16, 2023, 07:28:12 PM »
When you need a specific tile edge to place against another tile edge, what features are available in Carcassonne to modify the edge(s) of the tile you are placing, on the tile you are placing your tile against?

The first thing that comes to mine are the Bridges from Expansion 8.  You can only place one bridge on the board each turn, but you can use a bridge to modify a single xFxF tile into an xRxR tile.

The second tile I can think of is Abbey tile from Expansion 5 which can only be placed in a four sided hole, and it automatically makes all four sides of the Abbey fit against all four sides of the hole.

The third thing I can think of in the standard games are the Halfling tiles.  The basically change the shape of the hole they are being placed into so you only have to match two sides.

There is also one other, non-standard, expansion created by kothmann call Old City.  His personal expansion includes wooden Wall and Gate pieces that can be placed on the edge of a city tile to allow a field or road to be placed directly against the city tile.

Does anyone else know of any other expansions that allow for the edges of the files to be modified as they are played?

General / WikiCarPedia
« on: January 16, 2023, 01:59:27 AM »
For about the last 24 hours, every time I follow my bookmark, or type in, what I get back is a blank page.  I've tried this on two browsers on my PC and also on my phone.

Is there a problem with the site?

Community Rules (Meepledrone & Friends) / WikiCarPedia login
« on: December 26, 2022, 08:12:54 AM »
How do I create a user ID for WikiCarPedia?

I'm trying to ask a question about the 20th Anniversary Expansion tiles.

If a player places an mini-expansion tile with the arrow pointing away from the tiles to get 2 points, when another player places a normal tile against the arrow, they get to perform the arrow function.

What happens if they place another mini-expansion tile with the arrows pointing toward each other?  Can they perform both arrow functions? AND, if they can, can they choose the order in which they perform the functions?

Official Rules / The 20th Anniversary mini-Expansion rules
« on: December 25, 2022, 11:25:25 PM »
Our neighborhood group of four recently discovered the 20th Anniversary Expansion tiles and can’t wait to try our first game with them. But the rules that interact with other expansion are not exactly clear. The Wiki page clearly says: “You can combine it with other expansions - but at your own risk – that is, there will be no official rules for these combinations.”

The rule for placing a meeple on an incomplete unoccupied feature along with the rule pairing with another meeple do not describe which meeples they are talking about; Standard meeple, Abbot, Large meeple, Phantom, Ringmaster, Mayor, and Wagon.

The rules say that you can either place your meeple on the 20th anniversary tile or follow one of the special rules.  What happens if you are using Phantoms in your game? Can you do both?

The rules talk about only allowing a paired meeple to reach a maximum of 2 meeples on a single tile; can you use the large meeple for pairing? Can you use the large meeple when you take control of an unoccupied incomplete feature?

If I place a normal tile that completes an unoccupied incomplete feature, I can place my meeple on that tile to claim it and score it.  What if my 20th Anniversary incomplete feature tile completes an unoccupied monastery or garden, can I place my meeple on the garden of monastery? OR, do I have to place the 20th Anniversary tile elsewhere, take the monastery, then complete it later?

Unofficial Rules / Center Scoreboards with River Bonus Features
« on: November 26, 2022, 07:11:28 AM »
We learned about the Bards fan expansion in a recent Carcassonne Central forum thread, and it sparked our interest!

Each Bards fan expansion tile allows a player to tag a single feature with a bonus similar to the Inns and Cathedrals expansion, 1 point bonus per tile when the feature is scored, but, the tag has to be placed for the next player.

Over 60% of all Carcassonne games are played with only two players, so there is a reasonable chance that the tagging player could get the bonus.  In a four player game, the chances will be close to zero!

So, we decided to make up our own house rules for the four or more player games that we play each week.  Since we play with four or more players, we always use one of the Center Scoreboards that we created:

And we made up our own house rules for creating the Bards bonus features.  We do not use the bards tiles, but we start off each game with a scoreboard with 2, 3, or 4 Rivers, and combine all of the River 1 and River 2 tiles into a random stack.  As each player plays a random river tile, if the tile they are playing does NOT contain a feature on which they can place a meeple, the player is allowed to select any unoccupied feature on the rivers or the center scoreboard and place a 1 point bonus marker on it.  If we are not playing that game with Gold Ingots or Ferries, that is what we use for plus 1 point markers. When a random player selects and plays the River Tile that closed the last river, if that closing tile does not also have the River 2 city feature, they can place another 1 point marker if they want, and then the next player is the first player who can choose to expand one of the 1 point bonus features.

There are 5 standard River 1 and 2 tiles that do not have features on them, plus 4 source and termination river tile without features, and, if house rules allow it, 3 tiles with only a Monastery or Garden in the center of the tile.  When the last river is closed, there will be a random number of river tiles still unplaced, so, depending on that day’s house rules there could be up to 9 or 12 bonus features available for each player as the random normal tile game starts.

Almost all of our games include the Inns and Cathedrals expansion, so having additional features with 1 point bonuses during the game, that are worth zero if unfinished at the end of the game is something we are already used to.   The additional Bards rule that multiple 1 point bonus can be added to the same feature makes the scoring even more interesting!

Reviews & Session Reports / Our first Besieger Games
« on: October 31, 2022, 08:00:13 PM »
We just finished our first two Besieger games, and we are totally hooked!

Our game included our Center Scoreboard plus the River, Inns and Cathedrals, Traders and Builders, the standard Fliers plus the Flier fan expansion, and of course the Besiegers.  We played with the RGG Flight rules, but the only time the Flight was used was for a large city where two of the 3 occupants were outnumbered by the third!

It looks like Besiegers will become a standard part for our weekly game nights!

Our special thanks to oldbonz for bringing the Besiegers (Attackers) up to the C2 level!

Official Rules / When can I use escaped besieged meeples?
« on: October 29, 2022, 07:58:06 AM »
I have 2 meeples and my builder on a large city where another player has created an impossible to fill 4 sided hole, and we are not playing with the Abbey! There is also a Monastery adjacent to the city.

I draw a besieger tile and add it to the city.  If I understand the RGG rules, I can now remove one of my trapped meeples from the city, then take my builder second turn somewhere else on the board and place a meeple on it, and also remove my second meeple from the besieged city, and since my builder is now alone in the city, I can also return my builder to my stack.

My question deals with the order of events.  Are my meeples (and builder) escaping the city at the start of each turn, or at the end of each turn?  Can I place my escaped meeple, or builder, on another feature in the same turn, or do I have to wait until my next turn to use them again?

General / URL Hyperlink coding
« on: October 16, 2022, 02:00:52 PM »
For the sake of discussion I'm going to describe this alternate coding using Curly Brackets instead of Square Brackets.

The normal way to insert a Hyperlink into your forum thread is to click on the second button on the second row (the piece of paper in front of the world globe) and the following coding will appear in your new topic window:


Then you insert your desired url between the start and end commands


This is the link to my personal Carcassonne page:

The final result will be your URL underlined on the forum page.  When you click on it, your browser will jump to that page.

All normal, but there is another way to code your link!

Insert your URL inside the end of the first command with an = sign in front of it with the } after it, then insert the words you want to see on your forum post between the }{ Brackets.

{url=}My Personal Carcassonne Page{/url}

This is the other way to create a link to My Personal Carcassonne Page

The current Carcassonne Central posting application does not currently make it easy for you to use this alternate coding, but in my opinion, the posts look better.

If you quote this page, you will be able to see the actual coding for my last URL.

Official Rules / Escaping a besieged city (Flight)
« on: October 13, 2022, 02:31:30 AM »
The oldbonz post and tile work for the C2 Attackers has generated a huge level of interest with our neighborhood group of 4 players, we can’t wait to play our first game with the new C2 tiles, but we do have one question about the escaping follower.

The rules are clear that you can’t escape a follower from a besieged city and then place that same follower back on the board.  The escape happens and the very end of your turn.

The rules are not clear about placing one of your followers onto the tile you just played, then in the same turn, escape one of your followers from a besieged city, through an adjacent Monastery.

Can you place and then escape in the same turn?

Modified for clarification:

This question is being asked because of the rules for the Abbot.  The rules clearly say that:

“On your turn, if you do not place a meeple during the 2. Placing a meeple phase, you may instead return your already-placed abbot to your supply. If you do so, you score immediately as many points as the garden or monastery your abbot occupied is worth at that time”

The rules for the besieged cities seem to indicate that you can remove your follower even if you did place a meeple, and, even if the rules did not say it, I assume that the escaping follower does NOT score any points!

Official Rules / The original rules
« on: October 10, 2022, 11:52:18 PM »
My old link to “The last official printing of the Carcassonne Standard Complete Annotated Rules, S-CAR v7.4” is no longer working! It was created as a 339 page PDF file on May 22, 2015. 

Is there another link available so that I can still look at the original rules?  I’m trying to find the original rules for Besiegers, Cathars, and Siege.

General / How many players in your normal Carcassonne games?
« on: October 01, 2022, 09:22:07 PM »
Our neighborhood game night is usually two couples, 4 players, but maybe once a month or so we invite an additional player or couple for 5 or 6 player games.  We have also purchased sets of orange, purple, and brown meeples and phantoms, so we can increase our game size up to 9 if the opportunity presents itself.

Just wondering what the normal game size is for the average player!

Unofficial Rules / Center Scoreboard Tiles
« on: September 30, 2022, 08:40:19 PM »
Our personal neighborhood group of 4 players who also invited others to join us for even larger games found that the two players who sit next to the scoreboard at one edge of the table have an advantage over the other players who do not have a good view of the scoreboard.  This is especially true when we are playing with expansions like The Messages or The Robbers.  So we decided to find a way to place the scoreboard in the center of the table so every player has equal visibility and access to the scoreboard.

We have designed 5 different versions of the scoreboard so far and we have designed a webpage to help others to print their own copies of the scoreboards.  There are also two additional page links at the bottom of the page for anyone who want to design and print their own personal center scoreboards.

This is the link to the first page for downloading our current scoreboards, we would appreciate your opinion on having the scoreboard in the center of the table when there are more than two players and also your opinion on letting others design and print their own personal versions.

Unofficial Rules / Can the Robbers Son place a Phantom
« on: August 11, 2022, 02:03:30 AM »
We recently found an interesting fan expansion called the Robber's Son.

The rules are clear that if you do use the tile to remove a highwayman from a road, you cannot then place your own meeple on the tile.

There is not a rule section for the interaction with other expansion.  How does everyone feel about a rule expansion stating that when you do remove a highwayman, you are still allowed to place your Phantom (and only your Phantom) on the Robber's Son Tile?

Another thought on this, if we are also playing with The Robbers Expansion, why not let the Robber’s Son add two more robbers to the scorecard! This would happen at the end of the turn, after the scoring phase.

Official Rules / The Robber insta-rogue points
« on: July 28, 2022, 06:35:07 AM »
The WikiCarPedia page for The Robbers is not specific on normal meeple placement.

1.   Draw a tile with a Robber logo.

2.   Place or move your personal Robber on the scoreboard next to another player’s scoring figure. (You cannot place it on your own scoring figure).

3.   Going around the board in order, the next player who’s Robber is not on the scoreboard yet places their Robber on the scoreboard. (This happens only one time, not once for each player).

The “Placing a meeple” section of the Wiki page only says “The figures in this expansion are not placed on the standard land tiles as part of the game.”  It does not say that you can also place a normal meeple and/or Phantom on the robber land tile.

It then goes into “Scoring a feature”, again only talks about how the Robber is scored.

I have two questions:

1.   I assume that after placing up to two Robbers on the scorecard, you can then place your normal meeple and or Phantom on the Robber Tile. Is that correct?

2.   Also, if the placement of the Robber Tile also completes a feature for another player, since the Robber placement happens in phase 2 of your turn and feature scoring happens in phase 3, are you allowed to place your Robber on that player’s scoring figure so that you can immediately receive your rogue points?

Official Rules / Wagon and Builder
« on: July 01, 2022, 12:10:05 AM »
You can place your wagon on a tile just like placing a meeple, and it does count as a single meeple for scoring and control of the feature.

Builders can be added to features that you control, but I don’t see anything on WikiCarPedia that specifically says that you can add your builder to your wagon controlled feature and then get builder second turns.

Is this legal?

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