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Messages - rfielder

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General / Re: My collection April 13th, 2014
« on: April 13, 2014, 03:22:24 PM »

How long does it take to play a game with that many tiles?  How many games per week/month can you get in?   ;)  Seriously, with 210 tiles, it takes us 2 - 2.5 hours per game for two people.....

I see you the the Wind Roses and Rivers I and II.  How do you integrate them?  Can you describe how you start a game?

Official Rules / Re: CAR 6.4 - Mage and Witch Wording
« on: April 12, 2014, 11:08:12 AM »
"If both figures are in play, the player moves one of the figures to a different feature tile."
I find that describing a scenario can help me understand.

With the above change, it would mean that I could move the witch from one tile to another within the same feature. For example:

My partner and I are playing a two player game of Carcassonne.  She is building a city with the Cathedral, and is almost finished.  I pull a M&W tile, and put the witch on her Cathedral tile.

She plays, pulls a tile, and plays it elsewhere.  The Cathdral city remains unfinished.

With the wording above: I play, and pull another M&W tile.  The Mage is on a feature I am building, so I don't want to touch it - the Mage is going to give me lots of extra point.  Therefore, I then move the witch from one tile to another within the same cathedral city.

Are we sure this is what we want?  Seems kind of pointless to move the witch or the mage, if the move keeps them within the same feature. Why bother being required to move them at all?

I am not trying to state my opinion of how the game should be played.  I am trying to understand the intent of the rule.  The goal is to follow the original rules, IMHO, unless those rules leave the situation muddy.

Official Rules / Re: The Ferries - Question
« on: April 11, 2014, 11:28:25 AM »
Quote from: Carcking
Who's your favorite? Knight, Thief, Farmer or Monk?
Personally, I prefer the Warrior.
Quote from: Carcking
If it read something like:
I would agree with you, if it were not for the fact that both my partner and I misinterpreted this, in the same way, reading the rules separately.  English is my first language, and has been my partner's language since she was very young.

Which may or may not say more about us than about the rules, but....  :)  I figure if we can misinterpret, than so could others.

Official Rules / Re: CAR 6.4 - Mage and Witch Wording
« on: April 11, 2014, 11:22:32 AM »
First off, your post lists partials of the CAR 6.4 rules which inadvertently confuses readers (including me, laugh).
I included both the rules text, and the text of the footnote, in the original message.  That was the point of this discussion - the difference between the rules and the addendum.

The rules say one thing.  The footnote, which is added as part of the CAR, says something a little different.  The footnote does not show a reference or a reason for the different wording.  The difference could make a significant difference in how the game plays.

Some users here have quite correctly quoted the rules only - e.g. see reply #3 by Carcking.

If we have time for a game tonight, I am going to add this miniexpansion, and use the rules as found in the CAR 6.4, including the footnote.  I just think this could use a bit more clarification.  After all, when playing with your significant other or only close friends, this may not matter, but if you play with strangers or in a tournament, clarity is to be desired.

My earlier messages were truncated.

Tried ordering Sheeps and Hill from, and got this:

Dieser Artikel kann leider....

Unfortunately this item can not be shipped to the desired place. You can either change the shipping address or delete the item from your order by setting the quantity to 0 and click "Update". Learn more

As a Canadian, I am feeling discriminated against! won't ship to me. won't ship to me. does not carry the stuff.  Think I will just go and sulk in my igloo.....   :meeple:

Official Rules / Re: CAR 6.4 - Mage and Witch Wording
« on: April 11, 2014, 08:23:57 AM »
The English copy of the rules that I have says to move it to another tile. There is no mention of another feature.
How do we get a final decision on this?  Who is the final authority on a expansion like this?

Official Rules / Re: The Ferries - Question
« on: April 11, 2014, 08:10:36 AM »
You MUST always place a ferry when you draw a tile with a lake, even if you don't place a follower on it.
The rules (copies from CAR 6.4) state:
"If he chooses to place a follower on a road, he or she must place the follower on one of the three or four road segments. Then, the active player must take a ferry from the stock and link two of the road segments on the tile."
To me, this is somewhat misleading.  The structure of the paragraph could lead to the interpretation that the "must take a ferry" is dependent on the "If he chooses to place a follower".

In other words, no follower, no ferry.  When we first read the rules, we interpreted it as only placing a ferry when a follower was placed.

I agree, always placing a ferry regardless of placing a follower makes sense, and makes sense to the game play. 

I would suggest that a footnote to clarify this be added to the next edition of the CAR.

General / Re: Carc Tactics - Farms - When do you start your first one?
« on: April 11, 2014, 08:04:48 AM »
I just added up our expansions:
Base game
River II + River I tiles
Inns and Cathedrals
Traders & Builders
Princess and Dragon
The Tower
Flier mini
Ferries mini
Crop Circles II

A total of 206 tiles.  This is a lot - having 600 or more is mind boggling!  What do you do, complete one game a week?

We also have, but have not started using:
Gold Mines mini
Mage & Witch mini
Wind Roses
which would add another 22.

We are likely not going to use the Robbers or the Messages.  We have them, but somehow they don't appeal to us.  At least, not yet.

Having all this, I have to say that the OP about when to start your first farm changes with each expansion added.  My partner likes to start hers as soon as she can, but each expansion seems to make that later and later in the game.  Finding a place protected (as much as possible) from Towers is the big thing.  Too soon, and it is hard to avoid the Dragon.  Mostly, as soon as it is clear where there are a few cities on one stretch of green, given the number of roads that get built.

Official Rules / The Ferries - Question
« on: April 10, 2014, 09:58:23 AM »
Things I am not clear about the Ferries mini.

If I place a tile with a lake, and place a follower on one of the roads, I must place a ferry.  That is clear.

#1 - if I place a tile with a lake and choose not to place a follower, can I still place a ferry?

#2 - If I place a follower on another tile with a road that connects to the tile with a lake, can I then place a ferry on the tile with a lake?  Or is that tile forever ferryless (ferrieless?  ferrybaren?) and all roads end at the lake?


Official Rules / CAR 6.4 - Mage and Witch Wording
« on: April 10, 2014, 09:41:31 AM »
On page 142 of the CAR 6.4, last paragraph, it states:

" If the Mage or the Witch is already on a land tile, the player must move one to a different tile."  (emphasis mine)

On the same page, footnote 415 states:

"2) If both figures are in play, the player moves one of the figures to a different feature." (emphasis mine)

There is a huge difference in moving to a different tile vs moving to a different feature.  For example, if my opponent is building a city with a cathedral and I put the witch on it, moving the witch to a different tile means I can keep the witch on the same city.  Moving to a different feature means removing the witch from the city.

I am sure the rules should state feature.  However, the wording creates a bit of a discrepancy, of the sort that could lead to much discussion.    ;)

I ran into this while reading the Mage and Witch rules to see if we wanted to start using this miniexpansion.  My partner is very sure that moving one of them means moving to a different feature, and I have to agree with her. 

General / Re: Carc Tactics - Farms - When do you start your first one?
« on: April 10, 2014, 09:29:25 AM »
The major issue with playing megaCarc is
What, exactly, is "megaCarc"?

General / Re: Carc Tactics - Farms - When do you start your first one?
« on: April 09, 2014, 04:33:16 PM »
We have the first four expansions, plus three of the six minis, plus River II augmented with most of the times from The River.

I agree with the earlier assessment - the dragon, and even more so the tower, change things.

The other thing is that most of our landscapes are so cut up with roads that it is hard to judge when to start a farm - they end up smaller than expected in spite of your best efforts.

I also find the strategy has to change a lot depending on if you are playing two or four players.

General / Re: Staying in Carcassonne
« on: April 08, 2014, 11:21:27 AM »
Scott- the link shows this is a very well serviced area. 

A question for the OP - do you mean to stay in the walled city itself, or in the area?

Official Rules / Re: Wind Roses and The River/River II
« on: April 07, 2014, 10:54:13 AM »
Thanks for the advice so far!

The suggestion to use the field side of the Wind Roses starting tile won't work.  With River II, the second tile splits the river with two 90 degree bends.  That means the next tile would be along the side of the Wind Roses tile that has a building.  Since the change of getting a River II tile that has a building in exactly the right place is slim, it kind of rules out that solution.

One of the ideas behind the Wind Roses is that it splits the table into four quadrants.  That means it should start at or very close to the centre.

The other alternative would be to use the blue Wind Roses tile to start instead.  It has fields on four sides, so it will fit.   Then put the acutal Wind Roses starting tile in with rest of the tiles and use it whenever it appears.

Has anyone here actually used the Wind Roses with either The River or River II?  If so, how did you work it?  I would prefer to work with existing rules or already created solutions, if possible.

Official Rules / Wind Roses and The River/River II
« on: April 07, 2014, 07:15:49 AM »
Is is possible to use both the Wind Roses and The River II (or The River)?

The starting tile for the Wind Roses has a road and a building.  If you place this tile in the centre of the table, where would you put the starting tile for the River II?

I can't find anything about this combination in the CAR 6.4, and can't find any discussion about this combination using the search feature here.

Thanks in advanced!

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