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Messages - tristan.gaffney

Pages: [1]
Dan, it's Saturday, so you could be home for Sunday ;)

Joking aside, I appreciate all the efforts you guys have gone to to have Carcassone represented at the event and Curt will be there carrying the flag!

Paul did mention he was considering it and I wondered if he had come to any final decision.

Hey Guys,

Any further thoughts on this? Did anyone else wish to join? Did CC want their own table etc?

Thanks for these responses! Really exciting!

If you have specific questions, drop an email to:

I'll respond promptly and directly!

We are looking for Carcassonne players to who want to show others why they love Carcassonne so much and help us raise money for an inspiring cause! If you are interested please get in touch!

On the 6th of June we are organising a charity fundraising event for War Child in Putney, London.

The event itself is to celebrate and promote Board Gaming, Model Painting and Game Design with local adults, children and hobby enthusiasts.

Guests will be exposed to a variety of different games and guided on how to play, from card games and mainstream games to miniature based board games and strategy games!

There will be the opportunity to paint some of your favourite models and miniatures and workshops to introduce some new skills!

There will be workshops in board game design that inspire you to get involved and show you how!

We will celebrate everything that the hobby has to offer and inspire adults and children to get involved. We want to see the community coming together, connecting and inspiring children to develop some great skills in the process.

All the while we will be raising money for an inspiring cause:

Throughout the world there are many children losing their families and futures as victims of war. Perhaps they lose their homes, a parent, or both parents, or an entire family. Children are sold off into under-age marriages and forcibly conscripted as child soldiers. Both girls and boys are open to horrific abuses in their new frightening circumstances. This often leads to a cycle of violence where the children can become the perpetrators of violence for a new generation.

We want to make a contribution to break that cycle, to relocate children with remaining relatives or adoptive parents and provide education, peace and stability to their lives. This helps break the cycle of violence and contributes to brighter more peaceful futures for the children, their countries, their regions and the whole world.
To make all of this happen:

We need Donations!
We need Volunteers!
We need Guests!

Please get in touch:

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