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Topics - kettlefish

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 10
General / Decoration with Meeple
« on: October 17, 2023, 12:49:20 PM »
In this topic I like to see all the decoration with Meeple.

For example: Meeple onto the Christmas tree or Meeple Pillows.

I use some of my meeple as decoration for my metal pen holder.

And I have some Meeple Pillows

Actually I've created a wire wreath meeple. In the next time it will get the surrounding.

General / Collection of meeples and other figures
« on: February 06, 2022, 05:07:18 AM »
I like the wooden figures for the world of boardgames especially for Carcassonne. I did some pictures of them. When I visited the exhibition Spiel in Essen here in Germany I bought figures at the booth from And I've got meeples from CundCo Shop. I've got the meeplesource meeples from Carcking some years ago. And I have printed 2 sets of CC figures in gold and silver. I've got special figures from D.Maute and quevy.

General / Postcards I have received from forum members
« on: February 02, 2022, 01:47:16 AM »
Yesterdays evening I looked into my collection of received postcards from forum members.
I've took a photo from some of the postcards.

from left to right: Bixby, Carcking, Scott, Whaleyland, quevy and in the middle is from Tobias.

Tobias is from Sweden, he was one of the first members at CarcC.

Here is a Yes/No question like to how to get through the rules for this expansion:

1. placement the tile
2. place  a meeple
3. Scoring a feature and send a meeple to Leipzig
Here we start now.
first - look what features are just finished with the placement of that tile.
is there a just finished road? Yes / No
if yes - does this road connected to Leipzig? Yes /No
If yes - do you have a meeple onto such just finished road? Yes / No
If  yes - do you have the majority of this just finished road? Yes / No
If yes -  then you have to choose:
a) Score this just finished road and get the points for it - then you will also get the 3 fairy points if the fairy stands direct to your meeple.
b) You send your meeple from the just finished road to the markets of Leipzig and you don't score this road and get no points for it.

I make here a small brake - because: you need a just finished road - this road is connected to Leipzig - you have Meeple onto the road - and you have till now the majority of this road.
And then you have to choose if you score the road as usual (with gameplay exp.3 - you will get the 3point bonus for the fairy if the fairy stand next to your meeple)
or you send this meeple (without scoring this road) to Leipzig.

Now - the cases with more than one meeple onto the just finished road:
Example A:
Situation: just finished road - 3 normal meeples onto this road - 2 red meeple 1 blue meeple.
The road is connected to leipzig (yes) and it is just finished (yes)
The blue meeple has not the majority of this just finished road (no) - This blue player can't send the meeple to Leipzig. This meeple remains on that just finished road.
The 2 red meeples on that just finished road they have the majority of this road (yes)
The red player can now decide if he likes to score the road with his 2 red meeples (meeplepower 2) or he send one of the red meeple to Leipzig.
The red player decide (or choose) not to score the road with 2 meeple (2 meeple man power). He send one red meeple to Leipzig (here in this example the player send his 1 red meeple to the winwringhts quarter.
The other 1 red meeple remains on that just finished road.
Now it is scoring time: We have a just finished road with the connecting to Leipzig and there are now onto this road 1 blue meeple and 1 red meeple. The score for the just finished road: blue meeple score points for the road no bonus points - red meeple score point for the road and bonus points from the wainwringht quarter.

I am starting here a new topic with some examples with differences in rules of the Carcassonne - New Edition (short: CC II).

I am looking between the differences of the German and English rules also the differences form the rule in the original box (base game and the expansions) and the rules of the BigBox6.

News and Events / HiG has a new homepage design
« on: October 24, 2017, 07:29:22 AM »
HiG has a new design for their homepage.

It is not complete finished yet and needs some more work to do, but it looks nice.

News and Events / Spiel 2017 - in Essen, Germany - 26.-29.10.2017
« on: September 20, 2017, 05:32:36 AM »
Spiel 2017

Friedhelm Merz Verlag - Internationale Spieltage SPIEL'17 in Essen

when: 26. - 29. October 2017

where: Germany, Messe Essen

open times:
Thursday to Saturday, October 26th to 28th, the convention is open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.,
on Sunday, October 29, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

The organization for the Championship - runs by HiG and Spielezentrum Herne

German Carcassonne Championship

Spiel 2017 in Essen - Room "Brüssel"
Thursday 26. October 2017
Carcassonne World Championship

Spiel 2017 in Essen - hall 2 - booth B110
Sunday 29.October 2017

I've created a small landscape with 9 landscape tiles = 3 x 3 tiles. The tiles are placed according the rules, but the start tile is not a necessary component of this landscape. Each tile is different.

The base game has 72 tiles total - but there are only 24 tiles which are different.
The landscape has 9 different tiles (3x3tiles) - placement like the regular Carcassonne rules.

The tile list at HiG will help you - new Edition: CCII-base game - tiles . The small pictures onto the tiles like farm, garden, etc. have no effect.
You can also look at the tile list for the classical edition CCI-base game - tiles.

You can place the real tiles and take a photo or you can use the files in the following link.
Quote from: 'Decar'
If it helps people are welcome to use the graphics from this page.
You can click the image you want to get the URL you need to copy into the IMG tags here.

I've in the attachments are some examples from the last riddle.

This is the following CC-MasterMind riddle: Which tiles I have choosen and how I placed them for the 3x3-tile landscape?

There are 3 rows (1, 2, 3) and 3 columns (A, B, c)

If the start tile is placed in the middle of my mini landscape (name of the tile "D") , then it has the position: 2B (2.row and column B).

Some tiles have more than only one meeple (examples  :orange-meeple:+ :blue-meeple:  or  :yellow-meeple:+ :blue-meeple:+ :orange-meeple:  or  :black1-meeple:+ :violet-meeple:)

The following Meeple will show you the result of your guesses:
green   :green-meeple: - right tile - in correct row, column and orientation
red  :red-meeple: - wrong tile
violet    :violet-meeple: - right tile - wrong column and wrong row
blue  :blue-meeple: - right tile - in correct column
yellow    :yellow-meeple: - right tile - in correct row
black  :black1-meeple: - right tile - in correct orientation
orange   :orange-meeple: - right tile - in wrong orientation

Quizzes, Puzzles and Challenges / CC-Mini-Landscape 9-tiles
« on: June 16, 2017, 08:12:53 AM »
I've created a small landscape with 9 landscape tiles. The tiles are placed according the rules, but the start tile is not a necessary component of this landscape. Each tile is different.
The tile list at HiG will help you - new Edition: CCII-base game - tiles . The small pictures onto the tiles like farm, garden, etc. have no effect.
You can also look at the tile list for the classical edition CCI-base game - tiles.

This is the following riddle: Which tiles I have choosen and how I placed them for the 9 tile landscape?

There are 3 rows (1, 2, 3) and 3 columns (A, B, c)

If the start tile is placed in the middle of my mini landscape (name of the tile "D") , then it has the position: 2B (2.row and column B).

I had a small riddle at CarcF - you can look at it as an example.

This time I will use some meeple:
green   :green-meeple: - right tile - in correct row, column and orientation
red  :red-meeple: - wrong tile
violet    :violet-meeple: - right tile - wrong column and wrong row
blue  :blue-meeple: - right tile - in correct column
yellow    :yellow-meeple: - right tile - in correct row
black  :black1-meeple: - right tile in correct orientation
orange   :orange-meeple: - right tile in wrong orientation

News and Events / HiG facebook - the greates Landscape of Carcassonne
« on: February 17, 2017, 06:16:21 AM »
HiG at their facebook page:

HiG is asking for your greates landscapes of Carcassonne. They will put all photos together to make a photo album at facebook.
Quote from: 'HiG at facebook'
we would like to upload all your Carcassonne landscapes again in a Facebook album. Can we also use your image for this? Of course, by naming or marking your name.
Best regards
your HiG team!

The first photo is from Paul - but I think that photo is not the finished landscape - it is more half way...

Here is the link to HiG facebook:
HiG facebook - need the perfect game round of Carcassonne

Quote from: 'HiG at facebook - in German'
Die schönsten Landschaften gesucht – zeigt uns Eure bisher beste Carcassonne-Partie!
Städte errichten, Flüsse erschaffen und Klöster erbauen ist Eure Welt? Dann zeigt uns doch einmal Eure bisher schönste, größte oder originellste Carcassonne-Landkarte und postet ein Bild in die Kommentare!
Quote from: 'HiG at facebook - translated text - in English'
Wanted: The most beautiful landscapes - please show us your best game of Carcassonne!
Is it your world to build and create cities, rivers and monasteries? Then please show us once your so far nicest, biggest or most original Carcassonne landscape and post a picture in the comments!

I think that would be great to "see" some of Pauls finished landscape and again Pauls bath with all the landscape tiles...
Also the big city with more than 800 points score...
And all of you - if you have great photos from your finished Carcassonne landscape or during the game...
Or perhaps some of our stacking meeple and landscape tiles...

Then please send the photos to HiG and tell them if they are allowed to use the photos for their album.

Quizzes, Puzzles and Challenges / Carcassonne Winter MasterMind - 2017-01
« on: January 04, 2017, 03:34:40 PM »
Is there interest for a small Carcassonne Winter MasterMind?

Quote from: 'quevy'
Here's the topic for your game.

All rules can be found here.
You can use the images on this link to make your predictions, using this code: [ img ]image link[ /img] (remove the spaces before img and /img).

 :red-meeple:: One of the Tiles is wrong.
 :blue-meeple:: One of the Tiles is correct, but is oriented and positioned incorrectly.
 :black1-meeple:: One of the Tiles is correct exact, oriented correctly, but in the wrong position.
 :yellow-meeple:: One of the Tiles is correct, oriented incorrectly, but in the correct position.
 :green-meeple:: One of the Tile correct, oriented in an exact manner, in exact position.

I have prepared a riddle with 4 different landscape tiles in a row. Instead of the rules from quevy - it is here possible that there are more than only one landscape tile with animals included.
Has anyone a suggestion?

This time it is an open game - each one who has interest can make his/her suggestion.

In the attachments is also the list of landscape tiles for the Carcassonne Winter Edition. In this list you see all the different landscape tiles. For Carcassonne Winter-MasterMind it is only important the different landscape tiles even if there are more than one tile from some landscape tiles in the real Carcassonne game.

As a reminder I will upload an example game with the standard CC-Edition.

And here is the link to the latest CC-Winter MasterMind game at CarcC - with the view of the Master:

Quizzes, Puzzles and Challenges / CC-Winter MasterMind - Dec 2016?
« on: December 23, 2016, 05:01:05 AM »
Is there interest for a small Carcassonne Winter MasterMind?

Quote from: 'quevy'
Here's the topic for your game.

All rules can be found here.
You can use the images on this link to make your predictions, using this code: [ img ]image link[ /img] (remove the spaces before img and /img).

 :red-meeple:: One of the Tiles is wrong.
 :blue-meeple:: One of the Tiles is correct, but is oriented and positioned incorrectly.
 :black1-meeple:: One of the Tiles is correct exact, oriented correctly, but in the wrong position.
 :yellow-meeple:: One of the Tiles is correct, oriented incorrectly, but in the correct position.
 :green-meeple:: One of the Tile correct, oriented in an exact manner, in exact position.

I have prepared a riddle with 4 different landscape tiles in a row.
Has anyone a suggestion?

This time it is an open game - each one who has interest can make his/her suggestion.

As a reminder I will upload an example game with the standard CC-Edition.

News and Events / Udo Schmitz - on Tour 2016 - USA
« on: December 10, 2016, 01:14:49 AM »
Udo Schmitz is again on Tour "around the world" with his Meeples. This time he visits Las Vegas and San Francisco. As always the Meeples like to be a part of the photos and Udo has searched for Boardgame cafés and Boardgame shops.

The Marketplace / Meeple Candle - CundCo Shop
« on: December 04, 2016, 03:32:56 AM »
The CundCo Shop has a new item:

Meeple-Candle (Meeple-Kerze)

in 5 colours:  :yellow-meeple: :green-meeple: :red-meeple: :blue-meeple: :pink-meeple:

price: 1,99 €

size: 65x60x30 mm

News and Events / 5.Fan-Meeting at Burg Konradsheim - Erftstadt, Germany
« on: November 21, 2016, 01:12:18 PM »
The 5th fan-meeting at Burg Konradsheim - Sunday 20 November 2016

This year without me but with Ratz65 and Benny.

The fan-meeting was again a great day. Udo Schmitz (Carcassonne-on-Tour) organized this fan-meeting with Klaus-Jürgen Wrede.

Klaus-Jürgen Wrede signed tiles and games for the fans as always.

The gaming group from Worms introduced a selfmade big Carcassonne. The tiles are around 20 cm large and the Meeples are also large.

There was also a CC-Amazonas tournament.

The CarcF group was playing some games (forr example CC-Goldrush) and later they played a prototype of the next 10th big expansion for the CC II edition.

Here are some photos at CarcF:

also here are some photos at HiG facebook page:

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