p. 54 The dragon removes the following figures from the field of play: normal and largefollower, pig, builder, follower on a tower, mayor, and wagon.
p. 170 If the dragon moves to a land tile containing a shepherd (with his sheep tokens), thedragon eats the shepherd and all of his sheep. The player returns the shepherd to hissupply and places the sheep tokens back into the bag. Note that this is an exception to therule that states that the dragon only eats followers. The sheep (and shepherd) simply looktoo delicious to the dragon, and unfortunately he can no longer restrain himself
399 A player cannot place a flier on a structure that was finished by the tile that was just placed,as a feature is considered completed at the moment that a tile is placed, and the flier can only land onan unfinished feature. (2012)
Also the hyperlinks in the subexpansion contents don't seem to work.
p. 131 Quote399 A player cannot place a flier on a structure that was finished by the tile that was just placed,as a feature is considered completed at the moment that a tile is placed, and the flier can only land onan unfinished feature. (2012)I think the explanation is not good because you also can complete a city and place a follower on the just placed tile. The argument should be that you place the follower on the flying machine and after this regular placement the he can not be placed in a just completed feature again.
CAR v7.0 - page 269:The wolf token is on the wrong place.---------------------------------------CAR v7.0 - page 265:The shepherd icon is missing.
Started by obervet
Started by Scott