Author Topic: The Carcassonne Divisional League  (Read 6135 times)

Offline TheSteveAllen

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The Carcassonne Divisional League
« on: October 31, 2018, 11:33:58 AM »
I'm sorry if this has been a long time coming, but it is said that good things always come to those who wait.

I am pleased to be able to announce that, after what seems like a long time, but is, in fact, only a year, Carcassonne Central is to host a new on-line tournament to which all players, at any level, are invited.

The 'ANY LEVEL' part is the important bit here because I, as a relative newcomer remember clearly taking on some of our top players after having learnt how to play only a few weeks previously, and not enjoying the experience too much, as I was obviously outclassed and unable to give my opponent a proper game. This tournament is different. It is BIGLY different.

Firstly, we are going to have a divisional system where the top players will be in the 'Premiership' and us mere mortals will be in leagues below that trying to get promoted and avoiding relegation to the league below. Each league will consist of 6 players and each tournament will last 2 1/2 months, 4 times a year, starting with 'Winter league 2018' on 1st December until 14th February 2019. After each 'season', the top two players in each league will be promoted to the league above, and the two bottom players will be relegated to the league below. Obviously promotion will not apply to the premiership league, and relegation will not apply to the lowest league. In this way, and in time, all players will be playing others at the same level of ability as themselves and will find Carcassonne a much more enjoyable experience than playing to lose against the top players.

Secondly, and equally important, each match will be different and use different expansions. All players at the start of a season will select an expansion that they will use for each of their games. This way, every match consists of the base game and two expansions which will be a unique combination for that match only. This means that all players will get to try out their hand at 5 expansions every season, plus their own selection.

Thirdly, there will be no fixed dates for fixtures to take place. Players will arrange matches with their opponents either on this forum, or in one of the chat rooms. All you have to do is play 5 matches in a 10 week period. This should not be too onerous, even for those of you who are fortunate enough to take holidays.

Fourthly, there will be league points available not just for winning games, but for winning different parts of games. This will mean that Players will be able to win convincingly, easily, barely or lose equally convincingly, easily or barely, and there will also be draws. The points for each match will be awarded as follows:-

3 points for a win
1.5 points for a draw
0 points for losing
1 point for winning the most road points (0.5 if a tie)
1 point for winning the most city points (0.5 for a tie)
1 point for winning the most cloister points (ditto)
1 point for winning the most farming points (ditto)

For example, Dan and I have a match and Dan wins. I, however, beat him on roads and cities, but he outclasses me by getting an enormous farm score. We also manage to complete 2 cloister each and get the same amount of points. This means that Dan gets 3 for the win, 1 for the farming win and 0.5 for tying the cloister. I get 1 point for winning the roads and another for beating him on the cities and I also get a half for tying the cloisters. This means that Dan wins 4.5 to 2.5 points. He feels good for winning. I feel good for getting more points against Dan than Halfling!  :))

Lastly, (for now at least), we will be having competitions for who wins the most road points in a season, the most city points etc. So, even though you lose every match, you still might be crowned the King Monk!!

I am currently trying out the format for the league and the matches themselves with a selected group of friends on here that I have known for some time. Our aim is to iron out any bugs and problems before we start the season for real.

We are going to be open for signing up to join on a post in the near future (about a week) so that we can start 'for real' on December 1st. We will be 'seeding' players as accurately as we possibly can once we know who has signed up to play.

More to follow shortly ........


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Re: The Carcassonne Divisional League
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2018, 04:52:32 PM »
Thanks for sharing this Steve! :(y)

Counting down the days to December ;)


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Re: The Carcassonne Divisional League
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2018, 07:49:10 AM »
Looking for to this, thanks for setting this up.


Offline TheSteveAllen

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Re: The Carcassonne Divisional League
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2018, 07:53:29 AM »
Looking for to this, thanks for setting this up.


Please spread the word Craig. We all want this to be a big success.

Offline Sinscerly

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Re: The Carcassonne Divisional League
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2018, 09:31:58 AM »
Intrestring  :(y) Count me in. :) when it starts
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Offline TheSteveAllen

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Re: The Carcassonne Divisional League
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2018, 09:36:43 AM »
Intrestring  :(y) Count me in. :) when it starts

Early next week I will be doing a separate post solely for the purpose of signing up. Glad that you are going to be joining us!  :(y)

Offline Sinscerly

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Re: The Carcassonne Divisional League
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2018, 02:02:11 AM »
Intrestring  :(y) Count me in. :) when it starts

Early next week I will be doing a separate post solely for the purpose of signing up. Glad that you are going to be joining us!  :(y)
Yeah I read, but I know myself of forgetting to check the post.

Offline Piet_Agoras

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Re: The Carcassonne Divisional League
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2018, 05:42:14 AM »
I'm in.
But I have a few questions...

Isn't it weird that you can win the game, but lose 1-4 in the league?
Shouldn't it be more logical that a win would award 4 points? That you are at least assured of a 'league-draw' when you win the game?

How are the final standings calculated? The logical thing would be
1. Match Wins
2. Match Points
4. Game PD
Or will it be another way?

Will there be a pyramid? Or will it be more linear? How many people will promote/drop?
De Spellenspecialist
Your plays for games!

Offline TheSteveAllen

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Re: The Carcassonne Divisional League
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2018, 05:51:34 AM »
I'm in.
But I have a few questions...

Isn't it weird that you can win the game, but lose 1-4 in the league?
Shouldn't it be more logical that a win would award 4 points? That you are at least assured of a 'league-draw' when you win the game?

How are the final standings calculated? The logical thing would be
1. Match Wins
2. Match Points
4. Game PD
Or will it be another way?

Will there be a pyramid? Or will it be more linear? How many people will promote/drop?

The purpose of this tournament is to get as many people as possible playing Carcassonne again. We have put our heads together and come out with the idea that there is more to 'success' than winning matches. The game itself has 'small battles' inherent in it (eg a fight over winning a big city, or a farm battle). All we have done is extended the idea to make it more fun for people to play without worrying too much about always losing. There are other goals namely, changing your game to win league points and not matches. We are currently testing it out and it seems to be quite successful.

The tables will run on 'league points' with the top two out of 6 getting promoted and the bottom 2 getting relegated. The idea is that we end up with several divisions full of people of roughly the same ability who want to play and are not frightened off from playing by the 'experts'.

Offline Piet_Agoras

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Re: The Carcassonne Divisional League
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2018, 05:56:47 AM »
I'm in.
But I have a few questions...

Isn't it weird that you can win the game, but lose 1-4 in the league?
Shouldn't it be more logical that a win would award 4 points? That you are at least assured of a 'league-draw' when you win the game?

How are the final standings calculated? The logical thing would be
1. Match Wins
2. Match Points
4. Game PD
Or will it be another way?

Will there be a pyramid? Or will it be more linear? How many people will promote/drop?

The purpose of this tournament is to get as many people as possible playing Carcassonne again. We have put our heads together and come out with the idea that there is more to 'success' than winning matches. The game itself has 'small battles' inherent in it (eg a fight over winning a big city, or a farm battle). All we have done is extended the idea to make it more fun for people to play without worrying too much about always losing. There are other goals namely, changing your game to win league points and not matches. We are currently testing it out and it seems to be quite successful.

The tables will run on 'league points' with the top two out of 6 getting promoted and the bottom 2 getting relegated. The idea is that we end up with several divisions full of people of roughly the same ability who want to play and are not frightened off from playing by the 'experts'.
Thank you TheSteveAllen for this quick answer. Now I understand better where the idea is coming from  :(y)

Offline Xanderx12

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Re: The Carcassonne Divisional League
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2018, 02:33:47 PM »
I love it! Count with my +1 and my participation :D

Offline Sinscerly

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Re: The Carcassonne Divisional League
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2018, 03:31:48 PM »
I love it! Count with my +1 and my participation :D
wrong post, reply on this one ;) probably here will work finally also, but other one is for joining.

Offline jungleboy

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Re: The Carcassonne Divisional League
« Reply #12 on: December 22, 2018, 10:56:11 AM »
Would anyone (from any of the three divisions) like to play a friendly game using divisional league rules tonight? I'd like to have at least one trial game before starting the league. To find me, reply here or check the Slack channel.

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