Thanks for all your work on this, it's a document that we couldn't do without. And just the other day I was wondering to myself why there wasn't a winter edition CAR - and now we have one! Thanks again.
Very nice. I've been reading through the new expansions to see how poorly I've been playing them. I still don't know why you skip including Count, King & Cult on the cover, though. I think at this point it makes sense. The combo expansion has been out nearly as long as the individual minis now.
Also, the Dutch Monasteries definitely need some work in the historical descriptions. They're a bit jumbled right now.
Another edit: Two tiles are missing on the tile summary for The River (I).
Further argument for my Count, King & Cult cover point. The King came out in 2003, the Count in 2004, and the River II in 2005. The Cult came out in 2008 alongside the combined expansion. That was six years ago this year. It was only five years between The King and the compilation, and progressively fewer years for the subsequent three expansions. We've definitely reached the point where most modern owners of the game will own the compilation rather than the stand-alone minis. Rio Grande hasn't sold the stand-alones since 2008 or so, and Z-Man has never sold them. They are still available from Cundco, but that's overstock at best. I say we list the four expansions together and begin treating them like any other large expansion.
Started by obervet
Started by Scott