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Messages - kebe

Pages: [1]
Official Rules / Re: Complete Annotated Rules v. 6.3 and 1.1
« on: May 13, 2013, 01:02:44 PM »
Thank you for this awesome work. I like to play with a lot of expansions, and an updated CAR is an invaluable tool when doing so. I have one small comment, however. On page 123 it says that the Carcassonne Winter Edition is distributed only as a digital download. This is not 100% correct anymore. Both German and Scandinavian language editions (at least) was published as physical games in 2012. I don't know about the German version, but the Scandinavian version also includes the Gingerbread Man expansion (with the originally intended 6 tiles).

Since there is a separate CAR for the Winter Edition, maybe this can be omitted from the normal CAR.

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