Author Topic: Carcassonne Central: Advent Quiz MMXXIV  (Read 18906 times)

Offline Meepledrone

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Re: Carcassonne Central: Advent Quiz MMXXIV
« Reply #300 on: January 12, 2025, 01:19:35 PM »
Question #21: The Snowman places this tile on Blue's behalf. The player wants to place a normal meeple on the tile as indicated. Additionally, the player has the following questions:
a) How many ghosts will be added to the blue meeples as soon as the tile is placed? (1 point)
b) The placement of the spell circle tile requires Blue to move ghosts to it. What ghosts can be moved so no opponent's meeples decrease their number of ghosts?  (1 point)

c.1) How many ghosts will Blue have to move to opponent's meeples for extending the mist with this tile placement? (1 point)
c.2) Where will the ghosts come from? (1 point)
c.3) How many ghosts will have each opponent's meeple if the player distributes them evenly? (1 point)
c.4) Will any meeple be removed from the board at this point? (1 point)

d.1) How many ghosts will Blue have to move to their own meeples for limiting the mist with this tile placement? (1 point)
d.2) Where will the ghosts come from? (1 point)
d.3) How many ghosts will have each of Blue's meeples if the player distributes them evenly? (1 point)
d.4) Will any meeple be removed from the board at this point? (1 point)

e) How many ghosts will remain on spell circles? (1 point)
f.1) How many points will score each player this turn? (1 point)
f.2) Does any additional action take place during the scoring? (1 point)

* This is a mid-game scenario. The game goes on for a few more turns.
* The figures on the right represent the general supply of guard meeples and ghosts.

Answer #21: The spell circles and the ghosts actions during this turn are as follows. Afterwards, we also score the features completed this turn:

>> Phase 1. Placing a tile (question 21.a)

The placement of this spell circle limits the mist (both on the tile just placed and on an adjacent tile). As a result, Blue has to add 1 ghost from the general supply to one of their meeples (the tile just placed has 1 spell circle, so just 1 ghost has to be added).

At the time of this action, Blue only has a guard meeple on the board, so no ghosts can be added to blue meeples.

>> Phase 2. Placing a meeple

The actions affecting ghosts are performed before placing the blue meeple on the tile.

1. Moving ghosts from surrounding tiles to the spell circle just placed (question 21.b)

We may move 1 ghost from the top adjacent tile with 3 spell circles to the spell circle on the tile just placed. This meeple does not come from the general ghost supply, since there are enough ghosts on adjacent tiles.

2. Adding ghosts to opponent's meeples since you extended the mist (questions 21.cX)

Blue will have to move 2 meeples to opponents' meeples for extending the mist. One of them comes from the general supply (there are 2 in stock), and the other from the tile with 3 spell circles at the top, that is part of the mist extended.

If we distribute the ghosts evenly, one ghost will go to the yellow cemetery keeper (ending up with 2 ghosts) and the other to the red knight in the right city (ending up with 3 ghosts and being removed from the city without scoring as a result).

Note that guard meeples cannot be assigned ghosts.

3. Adding ghosts to your own meeples since you limited the mist (questions 21.dX + 21.e)

Blue would have to add 1 meeple from the supply to any of their meeples on the board for limiting the mist. At this point, the player only has 1 guard meeple, so no ghosts can be asigned to blue meeples.

Since the mist limited with this tile placement has no spell circles with ghosts that can be moved to a blue meeple. This action will not take place either. Note that the ghost placed on the spell circle on the tile just placed, cannot be moved this turn.

As a result, there will be no ghosts left on the tile with 3 spell circles at the top and there will be 1 ghost on the spell circle on the tile just placed.

4. Placing the meeple

A this point, Blue will place their meeple on the tile just placed, unaffected by ghosts.

>> Phase 3. Scoring a feature

Let's score the completed features now:
* A road occupied by Blue
* A haunted castle occupied by Blue
* A cemetery occupied by Yellow

Blue will score 3 points for the road (3 tiles x 1 point per tile)

Blue will score 10 points for the haunted castle (5 tiles with mist x 2 points per tile). This includes the haunted castle tile.

Yellow will score -4 points (0 points for the cemetery - (2 ghosts x 2 points per ghost) = 0 - 4 points). Additionally, the player will receive 1 guard meeple from the general supply.

a) No ghosts are added to blue meeples in 1. Placing a tile.
b) A ghost from the adjacent tile with 3 spell circles moves to the spell circle on the tile just placed.

c.1) You have to move 2 ghosts to opponent's meeples for extending the mist
c.2) One ghost will come from the general supply, and the other from the spell circle on the top tile.
c.3) The right red meeple will have 3 ghosts. The yellow meeple will have 2 ghosts.
c.4) The right red meeple will be removed.

d.1) No ghosts will be moved. You would have to move 1 ghost to one of your meeples for limiting the mist, but you only have 1 guard meeple.
d.2) Nowhere. This question does not apply in this case.
d.3) None.
d.4) No blue meeples will be removed at this point.

e) Ghosts on spell circle tiles:
* 0 ghosts on the tile with 3 spell circles
* 1 ghost on the tile with 1 spell circle
f.1) The scoring will be as follows this turn:
* Blue will score 13 points (3 points for the road + 10 points for the haunted castle)
* Red will score no points
* Yellow will score -4 points for the cemetery and the ghosts
f.2) Yellow will earn an additional guard meeple for completing the cemetery.
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Offline Meepledrone

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Re: Carcassonne Central: Advent Quiz MMXXIV
« Reply #301 on: January 12, 2025, 01:31:18 PM »
Question #22: Santa Claus places this tile on behalf of Yellow. The player wants to know:
a) Can Yellow place more than one meeple on the tile just placed? (1 point)
b) How many points will each player score this turn? (1 point)
c) How many cities with a drawbridge can occupy Blue and Red after scoring? (1 point)

* No large meeples were used in this question.
* This is a mid-game scenario. The game goes on for a few more turns.

Answer #22: The placement of this spring tile completes a road.

Yellow may place a meeple on the city as instructed and could also add a yellow farmer on the tile just placed, since the tile is placed adjacent to a statue tile (from The Spring mini in this case). The road is occupied so it is not a valid option.

Both Blue and Red share the majority. Note that the blue builder is not a meeple, but a special figure, and doesn't affect majority.

This said, Both Blue and Red  will score 11 points for the road (11 tiles x 1 point per tile).

Additionally, the placement of the spring tile this turn adjacent to 2 gardens and 2 spring tiles will earn Yellow 8 points ( (2 gardens x 3 points per garden) + (2 spring tiles x 1 point per spring tile) = 6 + 2 points).

At the end of this turn, no meeple can move to any of the 3 cities with an open drawbridge, since no player has the single majority. They are both tied in majority.

a) Yes, Yellow can occupy any of the fields on the tile just placed besides the city.
b) The scoring is as follows:
* Blue will score 11 points for the road
* Red will score 11 points for the road
* Yellow will score 8 points for the placement of the spring tile.
c) No meeples on the road can move to a city with an open drawbridge.

Offline Orion

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Re: Carcassonne Central: Advent Quiz MMXXIV
« Reply #302 on: January 12, 2025, 01:34:48 PM »
Question 21 was a great foray to a recent expansion. The complexity here also firmly cemented my decision to keep my Mists and Spell Circle copies separate for co-op games only!

One note, once again on a multi-tile...
@Meepledrone , you listed blue's haunted castle to scores 10. Why doesn't the mist on the starter tile count?

If the starter is considered 1 or 4 tiles, there is still mist in each quadrant.

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Re: Carcassonne Central: Advent Quiz MMXXIV
« Reply #303 on: January 12, 2025, 02:01:55 PM »
Question #23: Danisthirty places this tile on Red's behalf. The player has the following questions:
a) How many points does each player score with this tile placement? (1 point)
b) What will happen to the figures in the fields? (1 point)
c) If this is the last tile of the game, how many points does each player score during the final scoring? (1 point)

* No meeples are placed during this turn.
* No large meeples were used in this question.

Answer #23: The placement of this tile connects 3 fields and 2 roads (with the bridge).

The resulting field is occupied by:
* The blue barn
* 1 red farmer and the red pig
* 1 yellow farmer
...and has the following features to score:
* 1 completed city
* 2 completed besieged cities (one of them connected to the field with a city overpass.
* 1 castle

>> Field scoring after the connection with the barn

This field connection with a barn will trigger the scoring of the field during the game.

Red will score 13 points for the field (2 + 8 + 3 points):
* 2 points for the completed city (1 city x (1 point for the city + 1 point for the pig) = 1 x 2 points).
* 8 points for the completed besieged cities (2 cities x ( (1 point for the city + 1 point for the pig) x 2 for the siege) = 2 x (2 x 2) points = 2 x 4 points).
* 3 points for the castle (1 city x (2 points for the castle + 1 point for the pig) = 1 x 3 points = 1 x 3 points).

Yellow will score 7 points for the field (1 + 4 + 2 points):
* 1 points for the completed city (1 city x 1 point for the city).
* 4 points for the completed besieged cities (2 cities x (1 points for the city x 2 for the siege) = 2 x 2 points).
* 2 points for the castle (1 city x 2 points for the castle = 1 x 2 points).

The field scoring will not trigger the scoring of the castle occupied by Blue.

At this point, this will happen to the figures in the field:
* The red farmer, the red pig and the yellow farmer will be removed.
* The blue barn will stay in the field.

>> End-game scoring

Blue will score no points for the castle. The castle lord is just removed at this point.

Yellow will score 7 points for the uncompleted road (7 tiles x 1 point). One of the tiles has a bridge.

Blue will score 25 points for the barn (4 + 16 + 5 points):
* 4 points for the completed city (1 city x 4 point for the city).
* 16 points for the completed besieged cities (2 cities x (4 points for the city x 2 for the siege) = 2 x 8 points).
* 5 points for the castle (1 city x 5 points for the castle = 1 x 5 points).

a) The scoring is as follows during this turn:
* Blue will score no points
* Red will score 13 points
* Yellow will score 7 points
b) This will happen to the figures in the field:
* The blue barn will stay
* The red farmer and the red pig will be removed
* The yellow farmer will be removed
c) The end-game scoring is as follows:
* Blue will score 25 points for the barn
* Red will score no points
* Yellow will score 7 points for the road

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Re: Carcassonne Central: Advent Quiz MMXXIV
« Reply #304 on: January 12, 2025, 02:18:35 PM »
Question 21 was a great foray to a recent expansion. The complexity here also firmly cemented my decision to keep my Mists and Spell Circle copies separate for co-op games only!

One note, once again on a multi-tile...
@Meepledrone , you listed blue's haunted castle to scores 10. Why doesn't the mist on the starter tile count?

If the starter is considered 1 or 4 tiles, there is still mist in each quadrant.

The 2x2 starting tile counts as 4 tiles. Each quadrant is considered separately, as clarified by HiG. You only have mist on 2 of the quadrants. These specks of mist highlighted in yellow are just an artistic license.

Let me elaborate a bit...

If you check he rules of Mists over Carcassonne, you can read:
Additionally, most of the land tiles show mist. You will always find one or more ghosts in the mist, that you must pacify during the game. We will explain more about ghosts later.

So, a quadrant is treated like a mist tile if it has one or more ghosts.

Hope this helps.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2025, 02:23:18 PM by Meepledrone »

Offline Orion

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Re: Carcassonne Central: Advent Quiz MMXXIV
« Reply #305 on: January 12, 2025, 02:30:30 PM »
Thanks for the clarity on the rule set and scoring!

As there are certainly multiple points for interpretation, I generally interpret tile art as taking precedent but I see you point of the rule where a ghost is a defining factor to what a mist tile is.  In games I play, we'll probably still interpret as the there being mist in each quadrant because the art shows mist there but it's good to know the rule before you break it!

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Re: Carcassonne Central: Advent Quiz MMXXIV
« Reply #306 on: January 12, 2025, 03:16:40 PM »
Of course! ;)

You can also check the clarifications about the 2x2 starting tile here, in case you find something interesting:,_Castles_and_Cemeteries#Starting_tile
« Last Edit: January 12, 2025, 03:19:41 PM by Meepledrone »

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Re: Carcassonne Central: Advent Quiz MMXXIV
« Reply #307 on: January 12, 2025, 10:59:03 PM »
Ouch, the day I couldn't focus on the quizz anymore is obvious... From 5th to 10th position in just a few questions  :-\
And the fall is not over...

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Re: Carcassonne Central: Advent Quiz MMXXIV
« Reply #308 on: January 13, 2025, 11:21:35 AM »
In games I play, we'll probably still interpret as the there being mist in each quadrant because the art shows mist there but it's good to know the rule before you break it!

Look at it this way:
If you look at every tile with mist in this expansion, you will see that mist ALWAYS covers at least one whole edge of the tile. That is the whole purpose of mist, isn't it, to answer the question: while placing the tile do I limit or extend mist. With this in mind, concerning the two tiles of the start tableau which have a tiny little bit of mist on them (because Marcel Gröber is more an artist than a game designer), these tiles will never be able to extend mist.
So if you want to argue that there is mist, well you are not playing this expansion anymore but an expansion with your own rules, which is perfectly fine, of course  >:D

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Re: Carcassonne Central: Advent Quiz MMXXIV
« Reply #309 on: January 13, 2025, 11:26:04 AM »
I have played MoC and Exp. 11, but I have never noticed on my own that the mist on starting tile visually extends a bit over all of the fours square spaces. 
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Re: Carcassonne Central: Advent Quiz MMXXIV
« Reply #310 on: January 13, 2025, 11:36:20 AM »
Yep, but it is confirmed it is an artistic license. The starting tile only has 2 quadrants with mist, only those with mist and ghost symbols.

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Re: Carcassonne Central: Advent Quiz MMXXIV
« Reply #311 on: January 13, 2025, 12:17:11 PM »
Question #24.1: Chanchito has the following message jotted down on the fake prescription. Can you decode it? (1 point)

Question #20 hides the truth... Everything is [Word #1] [Word #2].
Word #1: 6.3 / 9.3 / 5.10 / p / 2.8 / 3.13 / 4.10 / 1.12 / 7.2 / 3.6 / 1.6 / 6.8 / 8.8
Word #2: p / 4.5 / 2.5 / 3.9

Answer #24.1: This code references characters in the names of the expansions counting from the left. Except "p", character not present in the response, each character is represented by:
(i) The number of the expansion or the hidden message, numbered from 1 to 9, followed by dot; and
(ii) The number of the character (a letter or an apostrophe) in the expansion name or hidden message

This said, the secret words are:

[Word #1] = Meepledrina's
[Word #2] = plot

Bottomline: The secret message is:

Everything is Meepledrina's plot

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Re: Carcassonne Central: Advent Quiz MMXXIV
« Reply #312 on: January 18, 2025, 01:04:40 AM »
Question #24.2: The Grinch places this tile on Blue's behalf. The player has the following questions:
a) What happens when the tile is placed? (1 point)
b) What happens when the blue builder is placed? (1 point)
c) Does Blue get a double turn this turn? (1 point)
d) How many points does each player score this turn? (1 point)
e) Which player gets the Teacher after scoring? (1 point)
f) If this was the last tile of the game, how many points does each player score during the end-game scoring? (1 point)

* No large meeples were used in this question.
* Yellow has the Teacher and wants to score the most points for it.
* The players will try that the Teacher to score the least points.
* The Labyrinth is scored according to the Advanced Variant rules.
* No tunnel tokens were placed during this turn.

Answer #24.2: As soon as this tile is placed in 1. Placing a tile, Solovei Razboynik will trap the the red meeple bottom right. It is the closest meeple/special figure to the tree (3 tiles away, through the tunnel with the red tunnel tokens). This capture is triggered by extending the road with the Solovei Razboynik tree.

As soon as the blue builder is placed on the tile in 2. Placing a meeple, it will be captured as well. It is the closest meeple/special figure to the tree (3 tiles away). This capture is triggered by placing a special figure on the road with the Solovei Razboynik tree.

Blue will not get a double turn. The figure is trapped as soon as it is placed and the road is completed right away as well. So it cannot be extended.

>> Scoring during the turn (3. Scoring a feature)

The tile placement completed the following features:
* A city occupied by Blue
* A road occupied by Blue and Red. Both players share the majority, since the red builder does not affect the majority in the road.
* A Darmstadt church (the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Mary Magdalene) occupied by Yellow

The following picture higlights the road completed in black and another uncompleted road leading to the School in red. The figures crossed out are trapped and move to the Solovei Razboynik tree.

Blue will score 4 points for the city (2 tiles x 2 points per tile).

Blue and Red will score 20 points for the completed road marked in black (16 + 4 points):
* 16 points for the road itself (16 tiles x 1 point per tile). Note that tiles contributing more than once to the road due to tunnels are counted only once.
* 4 points for the Advanced Variant rules (2 meeples x 2 points per meeple). These two meeples are the blue meeple on the Labyrinth tile and the red meeple on the Bogatyr tile top center-right.

Yellow will score 9 points for the Darmstadt church (9 tiles x 1 point per tile). Additionally, the Darmstadt church grants a bonus to the player with the majority in those 9 tiles:
* Blue has 1 meeple (in the city)
* Red has 4 meeples (1 + 1 + 2 meeples)
   * 1 meeple on the uncompleted road leading to the School (marked in red):
   * 1 phantom on the tower
   * 2 meeples trapped on the Solovei Razboynik tile
* Yellow has 1 meeple on the church tile
As a result, Red will score 3 bonus points.

Yellow will score 20 points for the Teacher. The players will score their points in order from less points to more points.
* Blue will score 4 points for the city first, and then 20 points for the road.
* Red will score 20 points for the road first, followed by the Darmstadt bonus (ignored by the Teacher)
* Yellow will only score 9 points for the Darmstadt church.

Yellow can then choose between 4 points, 20 points and 9 points. The player will choose the most points, that is 20 points from Red. The Teacher will return to the School and Blue will take it for completing a road leading to the School. Note that the 3-tile road occupied by Red leading to the School and connected to a tunnel with no token is still uncompleted, so the Teacher may be away from the School.

At this point, all the meeples on the features completed are removed.

>> End-game scoring

Red will score 3 points for the uncompleted road leading to the School. It ends at a tunnel entrance with no tunnel token. The player will score 3 points (3 tiles x 1 point per tile)

Yellow will score 7 points for Baba Yaga’s Hut (1 + 6 points):
* 1 point for Baba Yaga’s Hut tile
* 6 points for the adjacent empty spaces (6 empty spaces x 1 point per space)

The meeples trapped by Solovei Razboynik score no points at the end of the game, the same as the phantom on top of the tower.

a) Solovei Razboynik will trap the the red meeple bottom right.
b) Solovei Razboynik will trap the the blue builder.
c) No, Blue does not get a double turn
d) The scoring is as follows during this turn:
* Blue will score 24 points (4 points for the city + 20 points for the road)
* Red will score 23 points (20 points for the road + 3 points for the Darmstadt bonus)
* Yellow will score 29 points (9 points for the Darmstadt church + 20 points for the Teacher).
e) Blue will take the Teacher
f) The end-game scoring is as follows:
* Blue will score no points
* Red will score 3 points for the uncompleted road
* Yellow will score 7 points for Baba Yaga’s Hut
« Last Edit: January 18, 2025, 05:02:31 AM by Meepledrone »

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Re: Carcassonne Central: Advent Quiz MMXXIV
« Reply #313 on: January 18, 2025, 01:29:25 AM »
Question #20 #24.3: The Gingerbread Man places this tile on behalf of Yellow. The player has the following questions:
a) Is the scoring of any of these castles triggered by more than one feature? (1 point)
b) How many points will score each player this turn? (1 point)

* The players will try to score the most points if various options are possible.
* This is a mid-game scenario. The game goes on for a few more turns.

Answer #24.3: This tile placement completes two roads:
* A road occupied by Yellow worth 4 points (4 tiles x 1 point). The player will then score 4 points for this road.
* An unoccupied road with a bridge worth 5 points (5 tiles x 1 point).

* No additional meeple is considered to be placed. The question does not indicate so.

The completion of these roads, will trigger the scoring of the castles as follows:

* The road occupied by Yellow is alone in the vicinity (or fief) of the castle occupied by Blue. So, Blue will score 4 points, the same points as the road is worth.

* The castle occupied by Blue is alone in the vicinity (or fief) of the castle occupied by Red (worth 4 points), so Red will also score 4 points, that is the same points as the castle was worth. Note that the castle occupied by Red is not in the vicinity (or fief) of the castle occupied by Blue.

* Both the completed unoccupied road (worth 5 points) and the castle occupied by Red (worth 4 points) are in the vicinity (or fief) of the castle occupied by Yellow. The player will choose to score for the unoccupied road in order to score the most points. Note that the castle occupied by Yellow is not in the vicinity (or fief) of the castle occupied by Red.

a) Yes, the castle occupied by Yellow is triggered by the completed unoccupied road with the bridge, and the castle occupied by Red.
b) The scoring of this turn is as follows:
* Blue will score 4 points for their castle
* Red will score 4 points for their castle
* Yellow will score 9 points (4 points for the road + 5 points for their castle)
« Last Edit: January 18, 2025, 05:03:18 AM by Meepledrone »

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Re: Carcassonne Central: Advent Quiz MMXXIV
« Reply #314 on: January 18, 2025, 01:32:13 AM »
- The Grinch: Ahhhh!!! What a delight!!!
- The Grinch: I'm savoring every minute I keep you waiting for the final result...
- Chanchito: Who is the winner? Who is the WINNER? WHO IS THE WINNER?
- The Grinch: You'll have to wait a little longer.
- Chanchito: Noooooooooooo! :o

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