Hi all,
For those unaware of what it is really going on, I will just break it for you: Christmas is coming!!! So does Winter... at least in the Northern Hemisphere!
In preparation of the coming events, here at Carcassonne Central a lost is happening behind the scenes. Just have a look at the Meeple Council in session while discussing...
The Advent Calendar Quiz MMXIX
Danisthirty: Well guys, what will be doing this year for the Advent Calendar? We are running out of time...
Snowman: Lean back and chill! We have everything under control.
Danisthirty: I should get started with our traditional Advent Calendar Quiz. You know, it is a great opportunity to review what had happened over the course of the year within our little community, and to test our members' knowledge of who said what (or at least their ability to use the Search feature anyway).

Santa Claus: OK... Drink your tea or it will freeze.
Gingerbread Man: What if we try something different this year? What if we ask questions about Carcassonne?
Danisthirty: Yeah, Why not?
Santa Claus: We could prepare 24 questions and post one each day...
Snowman: Each of us could be in charge of questions with different levels of difficulty
Gingerbread Man: Oooohhhh, that sounds terrific. I will prepare questions involving figures and/or tiles of one expansion only. Let's call it level 1.

Snowman: Uhmm, I will do Level 2
Santa Claus: Fine, I will be in charge of Level 3.
Danisthirty: Awesome, and I will pick Level 4... Don't faint when you see my qu...
The Grinch: Well, well, well... Even though I was not invited I will prepare my share of questions. You know I love to ruin Christmas parties so thank you for the opportunity... I will take Level 5. Devilish ones... Mwahahaha!
Santa Claus: Oh! This sounds lovely, right?
Snowman: Er...
Gingerbread Man: I'm hyperventilating...
Danisthirty: Oh Geez! This is just getting started...
Santa Claus: ...
Snowman: Er...
Gingerbread Man: I'm still hyperventilating...
The Grinch: By the way, stop this gibberish and prepare the rules...
Danisthirty: OK. I'll do it. In the meantime, guys, get your questions ready.
Snowman: Er...
Gingerbread Man: I'm still hyperventilating...
The Grinch: You are lucky, you have a few days ahead to get yourselves together!
Santa Claus: Would you care for a hot cocoa?
The Grinch: No, thank you. I have no time for social calls. I have a lot of evil to do... Ciaaaaaaooooooooo!
Snowman: Er...
Gingerbread Man: I'm past hyperventilating... I'm fainting
Santa Claus: Well, now more than ever we would need our members to help us solve all the questions no matter what. The Grinch cannot get the satisfaction of making us fail.
Danisthirty: OK. OK. I will reserve a post to publish the rules once you recover from the shock and we can resume our meeting. A nice cuppa anyone?
Santa Claus: So, let's get cracking!
What will be the outcome of the Meeple Council? We'll know soon.
Linkback: https://www.carcassonnecentral.com/community/index.php?topic=4427.0