Question #20: It is Yellow's turn. The player has the following questions:
a.1) This scenario includes several fan expansions. Can you complete their names in the following list? (OK: 3 points / NOT OK: -3 points)
a.2) A secret message is hidden in the previous result. Can you find out what it says? (OK: 1 point / NOT OK: -1 point)
b) How many tiles can Yellow draw this turn? (OK: 1 point / NOT OK: -1 point)
c) Can any of the tiles A to F on the right be placed this turn? (OK: 1 point / NOT OK: -1 point)
d) If Yellow happened to draw and place one of the valid tiles (if any), which one would grant the player the least points? (OK: 1 point / NOT OK: -1 point)
d.1) How many points would each player score this turn? (OK: 1 point / NOT OK: -1 point)
d.2) If this was the last tile of the game, how many points would each player score during the final scoring? (OK: 1 point / NOT OK: -1 point)
e) If Yellow happened to draw and place one of the valid tiles (if any), which one would grant the player the most points? (OK: 1 point / NOT OK: -1 point)
e.1) How many points would each player score this turn? (OK: 1 point / NOT OK: -1 point)
e.2) If this was the last tile of the game, how many points would each player score during the final scoring? (OK: 1 point / NOT OK: -1 point)
* No meeples or other figures are placed or moved during this turn.
* No large meeples were used in this question.
* All the fan expansions in this question can be found on Carcassonne Central and WICA... but one of them has not been made public on WICA yet, so it may require some digging. Good luck!
* Tile A is shown along with the token that would be placed on it as a result of the die roll.
Answer #20: The list of expansions and the hidden message are the following:
Yellow can draw 2 tiles, since the player has 1 fortune teller on the top right tile.
All the tiles in the list are CCCC tiles, so they all would fit in the square gap. However, not all the tiles available are valid due to the restrictions of coats of arms that the gap has:
* Left city: The city has a red-and-yellow coat of arms
* Top city: It has no coats of arms, so it can accept either type. The three cities connected via royal gateways have 1 red-and-yellow and 3 neutral grey-and-white coats of arms, but X tokens nullifies them all. This nullification effect will extend to the tile to be placed.
* Right city: It has a regular blue-and-white coat of arms.
* Bottom city: It has no coats of arms, so it can accept either type.
This said, we have two valid cases scenarios:
* Those tiles that connect the top edge to the left and right edges, since all the coat of arms are nullified as soon as the tile is placed. So, tiles A and C are valid in this case in any orientation.
* Those tiles that do not connect the left edge and the right edge of the gap can be allowed. So, tiles D and E are valid in this case, but only in a couple of orientations:
* Tile D: with the coat of arms at the top (as is) or at the bottom (rotated 180º).
* Tile E: with red-and-yellow coat of arms in top left corner (as is) or in bottom left corner (rotated 90º counterclockwise)
Let's score the scenarios for the tiles A, C, D and E in turn.
* We are not considering the friendly version of the Hans Statue rules, since it is not requested in the question.
* The Hans Statue affects the scoring of a city and a road, but it does not affect field scorings.
* The Hans Statue affects the scoring of figures placed on the same tile, so it won't affect the penalty of the Black Fairy in this scenario.
* The Royal Gateways count as a feature scorable by vistas, but the tent ending a road on one of the vista tile isn't (the Vistas rules do not consider this road ending as a scorable feature)
>> Tile A is placed (in any orientation)Below we show the scenario with Tile A placed as is, but any orientation is valid.
The tile completes 1 city and 1 vista:
* The city occupied by
Red and
Yellow with 17 tiles and 0 coats of arms due to the X tokens (note this city is the conformed by 3 smaller cities connected by royal gateways). This city is affected by the Hans Statue on the left. Both players share the majority, so they will score 68 points for the city ( (17 tiles x 2 points) x 2 for the Hans Statue = 34 x 2 points). Additionally,
Red will score -3 points for the Black Fairy.
* The vista occupied by
Yellow that will score 8 points for the following 8 types of scorable features: road, city, monastery, field, garden, vista, water tower and royal gateway (8 feature types x 1 point).
The uncompleted features are scored after the game as follows:
Yellow will score no points for the fortune teller tent
Red will score 5 points for the vista with 5 types of scorable features: road, city, field, vista, well (5 feature types x 1 point).
Blue will score 12 points for the road, which has 3 tiles, 3 wells and is affected by the Hans Statue ( ( (3 tiles + 3 wells) x 1 point ) x 2 for the Hans Statue) = (6 x 1) x 2 points = 6 x 2 points).
Blue will score 3 points for the field (1 city x 3 points). Note that 3 of the cities bordering the field are connected by royal gateways, so they count as 1 when scoring the field.
In a nutshell, during this turn:
Blue scores no points
Red scores 65 points (68 points for the city - 3 points for the Black Fairy)
Yellow scores 76 points (68 points for the city + 8 points for the vista)
And the end-game scoring is as follows:
Blue scores 15 points (12 points for the road + 3 points for the field)
Red scores 5 points for the vista
Yellow scores no points for the fortune teller tent
>> Tile C is placed (in any orientation)Below we show the scenario with Tile C placed as is, but any orientation is valid.
The tile completes 1 city and 1 vista:
* The city occupied by
Red and
Yellow with 17 tiles and 0 coats of arms due to the X token (note this city is the conformed by 3 smaller cities connected by royal gateways). This city is affected by the Hans Statue on the left. Both players share the majority, so they will score 68 points for the city ( (17 tiles x 2 points) x 2 for the Hans Statue = 34 x 2 points). Additionally,
Red will score -3 points for the Black Fairy.
* The vista occupied by
Yellow that will score 7 points for the following 7 types of scorable features: road, city, field, garden, vista, water tower and royal gateway (7 feature types x 1 point).
The uncompleted features are scored after the game as follows:
Yellow will score no points for the fortune teller tent
Red will score 5 points for the vista with 5 types of scorable features: road, city, field, vista, well (5 feature types x 1 point).
Blue will score 12 points for the road, which has 3 tiles, 3 wells and is affected by the Hans Statue ( ( (3 tiles + 3 wells) x 1 point ) x 2 for the Hans Statue) = (6 x 1) x 2 points = 6 x 2 points).
Blue will score 3 points for the field (1 city x 3 points). Note that 3 of the cities bordering the field are connected by royal gateways, so they count as 1 when scoring the field.
In a nutshell, during this turn:
Blue scores no points
Red scores 65 points (68 points for the city - 3 points for the Black Fairy)
Yellow scores 75 points (68 points for the city + 7 points for the vista)
And the end-game scoring is as follows:
Blue scores 15 points (12 points for the road + 3 points for the field)
Red scores 5 points for the vista
Yellow scores no points for the fortune teller tent
>> Tile D is placed (with the coat of arms at the top or at the bottom)Below we show the scenario with Tile D placed as is, but rotated 180º would lead to the same result.
The tile completes 3 cities and 1 vista:
* The city occupied by
Yellow with 5 tiles and 1 red-and-yellow coat of arms. This city is affected by the Hans Statue on the left. As a result the player will score 24 points for the city ( ( (5 tiles + 1 coat of arms) x 2 points for the city) x 2 for the Hans Statue = (6 x 2) x 2 points = 12 x 2 points).
* The city occupied by
Red with 4 tiles and 1 blue-and-white coat of arms. Tha player then scores 10 points ( (4 tiles + 1 coat of arms) x 2 tiles = 5 x 2 points). Additionally, the player will score -3 points for the Black Fairy.
* The unoccupied city that will not be scored by any player.
* The vista occupied by
Yellow that will score 7 points for the following 7 types of scorable features: road, city, field, garden, vista, water tower and royal gateway (7 feature types x 1 point).
The uncompleted features are scored after the game as follows:
Yellow will score no points for the fortune teller tent
Red will score 5 points for the vista with 5 types of scorable features: road, city, field, vista, well (5 feature types x 1 point).
Blue will score 12 points for the road, which has 3 tiles, 3 wells and is affected by the Hans Statue ( ( (3 tiles + 3 wells) x 1 point ) x 2 for the Hans Statue) = (6 x 1) x 2 points = 6 x 2 points).
Blue will score 6 points for the field (2 cities x 3 points). Note that 3 of the cities bordering the field are connected by royal gateways, so they count as 1 when scoring the field.
In a nutshell, during this turn:
Blue scores no points
Red scores 7 points (10 points for the city - 3 points for the Black Fairy)
Yellow scores 31 points (24 points for the city + 7 points for the vista)
And the end-game scoring is as follows:
Blue scores 18 points (12 points for the road + 6 points for the field)
Red scores 5 points for the vista
Yellow scores no points for the fortune teller tent