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Welcome to CarcassonneCentral!This site is a community dedicated to the board game we love called Carcassonne, to all its expansions, variants, and spin-off games. This is what you can expect:
When you register an account, you are signing up as a member of a community, your community! The staff of Carcassonne Central (sometimes called Carc Central or even CC for short) are all volunteers, whose enjoyment of the Carcassonne series brings us together to share our enjoyment of the game. Registering as a member is free, and it gives you access to downloads, occasional contests and access to our message boards. Register your account today! CarcassonneCentral is also on Facebook
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The heart of the Carcassonne Central community is the Complete Annotated Rules (CAR) - our English translations of the German rules, with annotations to highlight differences and official clarifications from Hans-im-Glück where confusion exists. We have recently added a CAR in Wiki format updated to cover the classic and the new edition.
WikiCarpedia (WICA) The latest annotated rules with clarifications from the publisher and in multiple language formats. Older rule formats:
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