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Messages - obervet

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Official Rules / Re: Robber and Messages - Examples
« on: May 10, 2013, 07:36:35 AM »
First Woman Follower scores 3 points for the road. After that the Woman Follower scores 6 points for the city. Then the Robber robs a half of the points for the road (the first score) from the Woman Follower- 2 Points.

Aha! A definitive clarification on this one. Thus, the player who is getting the points (RED in this case) gets to decide what order the features are scored in, and should thus choose to score the lowest feature first so the Robber doesn't get as much. We had previously wondered if the Robber player got to choose in instances of "simultaneous" scoring of multiple features, but this is obviously not the case.

Official Rules / Re: Clarification of rules - Wagon
« on: May 08, 2013, 09:13:29 AM »
So a "feature" is an aspect of a tile (with or without a figure on the aspect) that triggers an action or function. That makes sense, and in that case a wagon cannot drive through a feature to get to another.

after scoring the finished road the wagon goes back to the players supply.

Interestingly, this represents a reversal of a previous clarification, where it was specifically stated that structures such as the fair are not features, and that the wagon should treat the fair just like the small houses at some crossroads. The current rule actually makes a bit more sense, since now the wagon cannot drive through any special thing on a tile, whereas before cloisters/monasteries were more special than bazaars.

Official Rules / Re: Clarification of rules - Wagon
« on: May 08, 2013, 09:04:26 AM »
The other thing is, as I already asked in the old forum, that you can drive from city to another city only on one particular tile, that one from footnote 37 (in current 6.2 edition of CAR).

I think this is a point that needs an official clarification. Since the tile in question is from Inns & Cathedrals, it was obviously in print and available at the time of the creation of the wagon and the initial clarification that "Two cities never connect to each other (in the current land tiles)." I'm not against the interpretation that the driveways are effectively connectors of the cities, since they're not features (they have no function and you can't put a follower on them). However, it would be useful for the good folks at HiG to weigh in.

This is a great reference! I think that this will be a good addition to the CAR -- I can make it a new section, so people can see the various possibilities for translations depending on what publisher and version of the game that they may have.

My thoughts on the translations are below. Note that my opinions are based on my personal experiences and the fact that I speak American English. English-speaking folks in Europe or Australia may have different thoughts.

Things I'd change:
1. Landschaftskarten Schule: I would change this to "school landscape tiles", since "school" is an adjective, which comes before the noun in English.
2. siehe Regeln BigBoxen: I would change this to "see Big Boxes' rules".

My own opinions (not to change, just my personal thoughts):
1. Wappen: I wish that "shield" or "coat of arms" had been chosen for the translation, since "pennant" and "banner" are more like flags in English.
2. Wiese: In the CAR, I've used "field" for the feature on the tile, and "farm" for a collection of field segments that has a follower on it and will get scored. That's probably not really a differentiation that HiG has made, though.
3. Kornkreis: The proper translation is what you have -- "crop circles". It's horrible that our English publishers have called them "corn circles", since that's not even a real term in English. It's really just lazy/bad translation.
4. Kloster: I'll always call them "cloisters" since that's how I learned the game. However, "monastery" is probably more commonly used, at least in the States.
5. Kultstätte: I kind of prefer "cult place", since that has a more sinister/evil feeling than "shrine". I always feel like the challenge is more of a good vs. evil sort of thing.
6. Goldstück: I prefer "gold piece" or "gold bar". The word "ingot" is not a word that most people would ever use.
7. Landschaftskarte: I like "landscape tile" better than "land tile", although I can't really explain why I like it better.
8. Windrosen: As I mentioned in the CAR, the correct term for this in English is "compass roses" since it has the compass directions on it. I kept "windroses" because I think it's more poetic.

General / Re: GQ11 Logo?
« on: March 14, 2013, 07:31:05 AM »
... I would  love to know how others are segregating them out. They are coloured different enough to use that alone.

We actually don't separate them out -- we basically just include those tiles as part of the "basic set". Same thing with the tiles from the King & Robber Baron mini-expansion, since those tiles (at least the ones from the King & Scout version) don't have a watermark either. That actually runs counter to my usual need to organize and subdivide, but as long as I take my medication I'm OK.   ;)

I'm confused about the bit saying "three tokens for every player." The rules state that the buildings should be divided evenly among the players, so if there are only 2 players, each person should get 9 tokens. That gives plenty of opportunities for the buildings to make a difference.

And I agree about playing with the Expanded Rules. We always play with the +3/+2/+1 version.

Official Rules / Re: How to combine Robbers and Messages minis?
« on: February 26, 2013, 03:29:42 PM »
I haven't combined those two expansions myself, but you are exactly correct -- the person who scores gets to choose which counting follower to move, so what you describe is exactly what I would do. Of course, if I scored a number of points that would put me on a dark space I'd have to choose if I wanted to move my victim meeple now to draw a Message or if I would rather wait to score a smaller feature before giving the Robber his points.

I think combining the sets would be a recipe for a stagnant game if there weren't many players. More players might be a little better, because with more players you might have a Robber following both of your counting followers, so then you could choose who to give the Robber points to. On the other hand, if you have a lot of players, the scoreboard would be meeple madness.

Each feature scores separated. The robber gets the half of the points for one of the features for scoring.

IMO - Logic would dictate that the Robber can choose which feature to rob - just as he would if there were two players scoring from the same space. One may score a city and one may score a road as a result of the same tile being placed that completes two features at once - the Robber can choose which to rob - he is not only chosing a player to rob but technically, which feature score to rob.

I agree with this way of thinking about it -- the robber gets to make the call if there's a choice to be made. I'll just have to adjust the Order of Play to reflect that. Unless Skull One is out there to help....

The German rule says "an/in dessen Wiese" - that means you have to look to whom the farm belonges. That means the normal "farmer scoring" - you have to look for the majority.

I suppose I can live with this, although I have to admit that I don't really like it. It doesn't make sense that you get points for farms that you control (like at the end of the game), but each farmer gets to score individually (which is not like the end of the game). I think I'd be happier if the Tax sector worked the same way, but it seems confusing that one sector gives an award to all appropriate followers and the other only gives the award to followers in a majority.

Question 5 - part 1:
When playing with the Robbers, what happens if multiple features are completed at the same time?

CAR 6.2 - page 138
other rules:
• If a robber is on the same space as several counting followers, and more than one of these followers scores points on the same turn, the owner of the robber can choose which counting follower’s points to gets half of.

The rule talks about 1 robber on a space with multiple counting followers that score. What if, though, the same player (a single counting follower) is getting points from more than one feature, such as a city and a road that were completed at the same time? Does the robber get half of the TOTAL points? Or does the robber get half of the points from ONE feature? And if it's only one feature, does the robber player still get to choose?

Official Rules / Re: ZMG vs RGG Rule Booklets
« on: February 20, 2013, 02:02:32 PM »
There's actually another interesting change to the rules, too. The HiG rules don't say anything about what to do if the game ends in a tie. The RGG rules said that tied players "rejoice in their shared victory." Now the ZMG rules say "In case of a tie, play another game to determine the winner!"

That's a bit rough after several hours of a Mega-Carc marathon. Maybe clear the board and play a 5-minute overtime or something....

Official Rules / Re: ZMG vs RGG Rule Booklets
« on: February 20, 2013, 01:51:34 PM »
Pennants have turned into banners. I think if I were going to change it, I would've changed it to shields (since that's what they look like), but so be it.

I would appreciate having my stats transferred over. Thanks!

Official Rules / Re: Priority: Need Links to New CAR
« on: February 16, 2013, 12:23:25 PM »
If you need another format, resolution or dimension please let me know.

The latest version of the artwork should work perfectly.

General / Carcassonne Strategies
« on: February 14, 2013, 03:34:01 PM »
Hi all,

I'm trying to put together a strategy guide for everything Carcassonne, and I need your help. I've gathered strategies from across the web, and I have a few of my own, but I'm sure there are more good ones out there. If you are willing to share one, please do! It can be simple and straightforward, it can be a combo move using 5 different expansions, whatever. My initial thought was to include it as a chapter in the CAR, although it seems like it might end up long enough to be its own document -- we'll see how it goes.

Thanks in advance!

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