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Messages - Buldeo

Pages: [1]
Official Rules / The Plague: Question on Eradicating an Outbreak
« on: January 21, 2020, 07:42:16 PM »

I am very confused with this rule taken from Wikicarpedia:

Eradicating further Outbreaks
The next Outbreak (and always the token with the lowest number currently in play) is only eradicated when there are no more latent flea tokens which could be moved at the start of a player's turn.

It is also possible to divide a swarm of fleas by choosing to move one of them. As soon as an active flea token is no longer connected to an active Outbreak, it is turned onto its passive side. Therefore, fleas which are not connected to an active Outbreak are always inactive.

What does the second paragraph mean?

My wife thinks that it's an alternative to Eradicating further Outbreaks. When there are no more latent Flea tokens, you can choose between Eradicating the Outbreaks token with the lowest number, OR you can move an Active Flea token? And if you can move an active Flea token, is it only in the case that a single movement of a Flea token would allow to divide a swarm?

I don't think this way...

When there are no more latent Flea tokens, I think you must Eradicating the Outbreaks token with the lowest number. After that, if there is only one left active plague region, you don't have any another choice but to move an active Flea token. By doing this, if you divide the swarm, then you turned all the Flea tokens that is no longer connected onto its passive side.

What's the good meaning?


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