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Topics - Martin Luther Carcassonne

Pages: [1]
Hi everybody!

Last weekend I played the expansion Sheep and hills in combination with the main expansions Inns and Cathedrals and traders and builders and the mini expansions The watchtowers, The festival, halflings and Castles of Germany. While we were playing this combination we found out that the Hills and sheep expansion was underrepresented during the game. The sheep gave only a small fraction of the points and both the Hills and wineyards gave only a small contribution during the game. We played similar combinations before, with Hills and sheep replaced by for example the Dragon, Castles and bazars or under the big top. However, in all these cases the games had much more dynamic and tension. Compared with this the game with Hill and sheep was actually boring and long-winded.

So my questions are:
- Am I playing Hills and sheep wrong? ;p
- Is there any combination that adds a bit more spice to Hills and sheep.
- Have you had similar experiences, what is your opinion about this situation?

Thanks for the advice
Best regards

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