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Topics - herts10

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Official Rules / Inns and Cathedrals garden / field
« on: November 02, 2020, 03:31:48 PM »
We've been playing Carcassonne with Inns and Cathedrals for a while now, but without the Abbot (as we have the original 2001 base game).

There is a piece in Inns and Cathedrals with a garden in the middle of 4 cities.  Since we have no Abbots, I have always treated it as a field, creating an opportunity for a farm serving 4 cities.  The rules say it is a field with a garden in it, which seem to support this interpretation.

Now I have bought a new base game and am looking forward to playing with the Abbot for the first time.  Does this piece now only operate as a place for an Abbot, or should players get a choice and be able to place a farmer there instead?


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